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Integrating Google reCAPTCHA Validation in ASP.NET MVC

In today's digital landscape, security is paramount for any web application. One effective way to enhance security and protect against bots is by integrating Google reCAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA is a free service provided by Google that helps to distinguish between human and automated traffic on websites. In this article, we'll explore how to integrate Google reCAPTCHA into an ASP.NET MVC application.

Upcast and Downcast in Java

Type conversions between classes in an inheritance hierarchy are referred to as "upcasting" and "downcasting" in Java. When working with polymorphism and inheritance, these conversions are frequently required. Let's look at both ideas:

Image Compression in MVC

Hello guys , now a days we often provide users the ability to upload images in our web projects. But we have to sometimes utilize the memory for big size images as they can easily full up the memory of server. So for that we can use image compression while uploading image. In this article we will see how to perform Image Compression in MVC.

C# collection

For many applications, you want to create and manage groups of related objects. There are two ways to group objects: by creating arrays of objects, and by creating collections of objects. Arrays are most useful for creating and working with a fixed number of strongly typed objects. For information about arrays, see Arrays.

String Buffer in Java

The String Buffer class in Java provides a modifiable sequence of characters. It is commonly used when you need to dynamically edit strings without continuously generating new objects.

Break and Continue

The break statement is used to terminate the loop or statement in which it present. This statement is used to skip over the execution part of the loop on a certain condition.

Child internet safety

Child internet safety refers to the precautions, guidelines, and measures taken to protect children from potential dangers and risks associated with their use of the internet and online platforms. As children increasingly access the internet for educational, entertainment, and social purposes, it becomes essential to ensure their online safety. Here are some key aspects of child internet safety:

Java Arrays

An array is a sort of data structure in Java that allows you to store numerous values of the same type. It allows you to easily organise and manipulate data collections.

Implicit wait V/s Explicit wait In Java

In Selenium WebDriver, both implicit wait and explicit wait are mechanisms to control the timing of interactions with web elements, especially when elements might not be immediately available due to various reasons such as dynamic content loading, AJAX requests, etc. Both techniques help in synchronizing your tests with the actual behavior of the web application.

Tag or mention people like WhatsApp & Skype by using @ in Angular

Hello guys, often while working with angular js you sometimes have requirement of implementing chat functionality where user can press @ and select users from the list , similar to what we do on skype or all big chatting platforms. For that purpose we can use Angular-mentions which is a package in Angular js for skype like @ chat functionality. We will see how to use that in detail.

Introduction in C++

C++ is a powerful, high-level programming language that is widely used for developing a wide range of applications, from system software to video games and web applications. It was developed as an extension of the C programming language and introduced several features that make it a versatile and efficient language for software development.

Integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway in ASP.NET Core 8.0

We will discover how to integrate the Razorpay payment gateway with ASP.Net Core in this tutorial. Here, we go over Razor Pay and show you how to incorporate it into ASP.Net Core MVC. Please read through my earlier post, "Build CRUD REST APIs with EF Core." You can view the result of our integration of Razorpay with ASP.Net Core MVC at the conclusion of this post.

Card Number Formatting using jquery

Hello guys, often while dealing with project where we need to implement payment systems and need user to enter card number and show them the card number format properly. So for that purpose we have to use controls from payment gateways which are bit harder to manage on custom websites. So we will see how to implement Input Box Card Number Formatting using jquery.

Default constructor in java

A default constructor in Java is one that is provided by the Java compiler if no other constructors are explicitly defined in a class. The default constructor takes no arguments and is in charge of setting the object's fields to default values.


It is a way to represent memory location through symbol so that it can be easily identified.

Tables In HTML

Creating tables in HTML is a way to display tabular data in a structured format. HTML provides several elements for building tables, including the,,, and elements.

LinkedHashMap in Java

Java includes a number of data structures for storing and manipulating collections of objects. The 'LinkedHashMap' class, which is an extension of the 'HashMap' class, is one of the important classes in the Java Collections Framework. LinkedHashMap, unlike HashMap, preserves the order of its items depending on the insertion order, making it helpful in cases where the order of components must be maintained based on their arrival time.

Implement Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET

This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET application built with C# and Web Forms. The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. There are four steps: Create the project and configure dependencies Create the payment Web Form Create a page to perform the charge Run the application

Implement Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core

This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET Core application built with C# and Web Forms. The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. We are using latest version on Stripe.Net api in this. Check out complete steps to Implement Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core

Assignment To Merge Column And Rows In a table

To merge columns and rows in an HTML table, you can use the colspan and rowspan attributes within the or elements. These attributes allow you to span a cell across multiple columns (colspan) or rows (rowspan). Here's an example demonstrating how to merge cells in an HTML table:

Implement JWT Token Authentication with Validate and Refresh Token in mvc

Hello guys in this article we will see how to implement JWT Token Authenticate with Validate Token and Refresh Token automatically . We will create one action filter attribute that will automatically validate all the request and if the token is expired it will refresh the token again.

ConfigurationBuilder does not contain a definition for SetBasePath

In this article we will see how to solve issue 'ConfigurationBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'SetBasePath' and no extension method 'SetBasePath' accepting a first argument of type 'ConfigurationBuilder' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference? in .Net Core 3. We will see how to ready json files in .Net core 3.


A NumberFormatException is produced in Java when you try to convert a string to a numeric type (such as int, double, float, etc.) but the string's format is incompatible with the required format for that numeric type. This is common when using parsing techniques such as Integer.parseInt(), Double.parseDouble(), or Float.parseFloat().

Globalization and localization in ASP.NET Core With Resource Files

In this article we will focus on implementing Globalization and localization in ASP.NET Core With Resource Files . We will be trying to implement culture in Asp.Net core 3.1.So if your are struggling in using you Asp.Net Resource Files in .net core have a look at the article in detail.


Constructor is a special method which is invoked automatically at the time of object creation.


The java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException is an exception class in Java that is thrown when an index used to access an array, list, or other collection is either negative or greater than or equal to the size of the collection. This usually indicates an attempt to access an element at an invalid index that does not exist in the collection.

Hashmap in Java

HashMap is a component of the Java Collections Framework that implements the Map interface. It offers a key-value pair data structure in which elements are stored as a combination of keys and their corresponding values. HashMap does not support duplicate keys, but it does support mapping multiple values to the same key. It provides constant-time performance for simple operations like as element addition, removal, and retrieval.

App Trim in .NET Core

In ASP.NET Core, App Trim refers to a feature that automatically removes unused assemblies from the application's memory during runtime. This helps to reduce the memory footprint of the application and improve its overall performance.

Using Ajax in Asp.Net MVC

Hello guys, in this article we will tell you about what is Ajax? and how it can help you create better projects with better performance.Ajax basically used for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. As the name defines it helps you make server side operation asynchronously or you can say without reloading the page. So we will see few examples of using Ajax in Asp.Net MVC.

TreeSet In Java

TreeSet is a Java Collections Framework class that implements the SortedSet interface. It returns a set that is sorted in natural order or by a provided comparator. TreeSet, unlike HashSet, does not allow duplicate elements and delivers fast performance for simple operations like adding, removing, and searching for elements.







Never study to be successful, study for self-efficiency. Don’t run behind success. Follow behind excellence, success will come all way behind you.

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